Product Review!Seeking Star Cooperator Now

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Product Review!Seeking Star Cooperator Now

Hi, I-SHUNFA fans!

You may have noticed that our community has been established since today. From the day the I-SHUNFA brand began, we have gathered many groups of members, from adding many new members to expanding our content to cover all I-SHUNFA products, and there are many things to celebrate.

As we get bigger, we will need to add you to our key member teams. This is where you come in – very improtant!!!

First introduce the Star Cooperator program. Our Star Cooperator will be a highly active blog and forum member who will be responsible for providing us with new content each month in exchange for exclusive rewards. From product reviews to tech news to home life and other blogs, our star contributors will guide and shape the discussions in our community.

What will a Star Cooperator do?

Star Cooperator will post 2-3 posts (new themes) each week with at least 100 words per post. These can be:

Product Review
Products Recommended
product Comparison
Technology News Links and Comments
Share popular deals or events
Anything else you can think of, as long as it’s fresh , original , and meaningful

Needless to say, every post should contribute value to the community and be consistent with our rules.

What do Star Cooperator get?

As thanks for their efforts, our Star Cooperator will receive access to some stellar rewards, including:

free gift card every year (priced under $400 each)
free new prodcut offer every year (priced under $200 each)

An annual “Friends of I-SHUNFA” gift box, filled with surprised surprises

Seasonal gifts from our corporate culture team—just like our teams in the I-SHUNFA offices receive
Experience points for creating the hottest threads and generating buzz!!!

How Can I Join?

We’re currently looking for five Star Cooperator , To apply, all your have to do is leave a comment below telling us why you’d be an excellent candidate. Feel free to nominate other deserving members, too!

We will select our Star Contributors based on your application post, record of community activity, your likes, and endorsements from your peers. Applications close on Dec 03, so make sure you get yours in before time is up! We are accepting applicants from any country for this program.

We’re so excited to find and welcome our new Star Contributors. Now let’s turn our attention to the comments to see who has what it takes to become a Star!

By | 2018-07-11T08:03:50+00:00 July 31st, 2012|Categories: Creative, Design, Videos|Tags: , , |2 Comments|Postviews: 2130

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  1. Jiang May 25, 2018 at 2:14 pm - Reply

    This is a test comment

  2. Liu May 25, 2018 at 2:16 pm - Reply

    It worth 5 star!

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